RAILWAY ENGINEERING 

#  Addtion of wheel :-

             A train wheel or rail wheel is a type of wheel specially design for use on rail tracks.A rolling component is typically pressed on to an axel and mounted directly on a rail car.

#  Ballast :- 

          Track ballast forms the track bed upon which rail road sleepers are laid. It's packed between, below,and around the sleepers or ties. It is used to bear the load from the rail road ties, to facilitate drainage of water.

 1. Compare between railway transport and roadway transport:-  

i)Construction of rute :-
In Roadways, this rutes consist of suitable pavement of specified width provided usuaslly with shoulders with either side.

In Railways the rutes consist of pair of steel rails which are laid parallel to each other on sleepers at fixed distance apart.

ii)width of right of way:-

The roadway rutes require more width of right-of- way.

The railway rutes require less width of right-of-way.

iii)strength of rute:-

The required strength of roadways is less.

The required strength of railway track is more than roadway.


The roarway rutes do not require an elastic structure since there not to with stand impact of heavy wheel loads.

The railway rutes require an elastic structure to withstand impact of heavy wheel loads.
 v)Load handling capacity:-  
                    The load handling capacity of road vehicles is less and that too at low speed.

                       The load handling capacity of railway vehivles  is more and that too at low speed.
vi)Employment potential:- 
                     Roadways  have less employment potential.

                      Railways have high employment potential.
vii)Rate of accident:-    
                      In roadways, the rate of accident is very high.

                      In railways, the rate of accident is less.

 2.Advantags of railway transport:-   
                     The greatest advantage of the railway transport is that it is the most dependable mode of transport.It is the less affected transportation  method by natural problem like rain,fog etc.
             b)Better organised:-   
                    The rail transport is better oeganised than any other transport. It has fixed rutes and schedules. Railway service is very uniform and regular.
           c)High speed over long distance:-
                    It's speed over long distance is more than any other mood of transport.
           d)Suitable for bulky and heavy goods:-  
                    Railway transport is economical,quicker,and best for carrying heavy and bulky goods. 
           e)larger capacity:-  
                   The carrying capacity of the railway is extremely large. It's capacity is elastic which can easily be increased by adding more wagons.

3. classification of transportation mood:-  
                   there are many types of transportation like:- 
(i) Air transport by aircraft or airplane.
(ii) IN Land 1.Railway transport.
                   2.Roadway transport. 
(iii) water transport by  Water craft, submarine, boat,ship or sail boat etc
(iv) Animal-powerd transportation ..
(v)  Human power transport..

4. Achievement in Indian railways in last five years plan:-  
      i) ministry of railways best ever sefty record in 2018 to 2019 81% drop in number of deaths (upto jan31th,2019)  compared to 2013 to 2014 ..

      ii) 59% increse in the avarage space of commosioning of new line. 3rd and 4th line project had increse from 4.1 km per day(2009-2014) to 6.53 km per day (2014-2019)..
     iii)Total capital expanditure between 2014 to 2019 is Rs.5.1 lakh crore which is more than double of totalexpanditure during 2009-2014.
    iv)India's first national rail and transportation institute has been launched with 1st academic session, with B.Sc and BBA with 103 student.

   v) Indian railways has also focused on digital initiative for bringing transparency and accountability to it's business practice.

  vi) historic recrument drive is being undertaken with 2.5 lakh vacancies being filled.203 lakh will be recruted in next two years. 

(a) Railway zones and there head quaters:- 

  NAME OF ZONES                                                               ZONAL HEAD QUATERS  

i) Central railway....................................................................Mumbai..
ii) Eastern railway...................................................................Kolkata..
iii) East central railway............................................................Hajipur..
iv) East coast railway..............................................................bhubaneswar..
v)  North railway......................................................................Baroda house, New Delhi.
vi) North central railway.......................................................... Allahabad..
vii) North eastern railway..........................................................Gorakhpur..
viii) North frontier railway.........................................................Maligaon,Guwahati..
ix) North western railway.........................................................Jaipur..
x) Southern railway..................................................................Chennai..
xi) South central railway...........................................................Secunderabad..
xii)South eastern railway..........................................................Garden reach Kolkata..
xiii)South east central...............................................................Bilasapur..
xiv) South weastern railway......................................................Hubli..
xv) Western railway..................................................................Mumbai CST..
xvi) west central railway...........................................................Jabalpur..

(b) Railway board:-
             The railway board is the apex body of the Indian railways.It reports to the parlament of India through the ministery of railways headed by the railway ministery of India.(It was founded on 16th april 1853).

(c) Railway divisions:-
             Indian railway divides operations into zones, which are further sub-divided into divisions.Each of the divisions is headed by a divisionakl railway manager, who report  to the general manager of zone.

(d) Creep  of rail:-
             Creep in rail is defined as the longitudional movement of the rails in the track in the direction of motion of locomotive. Creep is common to all railway. It's value varies to 16cm (aprox).

(e) Coning of Wheel:-
                The rim or flanges of the wheels are naver made flat but there in the shape of a cone with a slop of about 20 degree. This is known as coning of wheel.

(f) fishplate:- 
           A fish plate , splice bar or joint bar is a material bar that is bolted  to the end of two rails to join them together in a track. The name is derive from Fish.

(g) Gradient:- 
          It is slop or an incline part of railway...

(h) Gauge or track gauge:-
                     In railway transport track gauge or track gage is the spacing of the rails on a railway track and is measured between the inner faces of the load-bearing rails..

(i) switch:- 
          A rail road switch is a mechanical installation which enable trains to be guided from one track to another track. A set of switch is known as points.

(j) Stretcher bar:- 
             The function of a stretcher bar is to keep the two raiis in a railway switch to defined distance apart at all times.

(k) Stock rail:-
             Stock rail is that kind of fixed rail in arail road track against which  the switch rail operates.

(l) Sleeper density:- 
                Sleeper density is the number of sleepers per rail length.It is specified as M+x or N+x, where "M" or "N"  is the length of the rail in metres.

(m) Stations yards:-
               It is a system of tracks that laid usualy on a level within define limit, for receiving, storing, making of new trains, dispatch of vehicles etc..

(n) Grade compensation:-  
                    On Indian railways in order to avoid rasistance beyond the allowable limits, the gradiants are reduce of curves.The reductions of gradiant is known as grade compensation for curves.

(o) Embankments:-
                it's a type of construction that allowable railway lines  to pass at an acceptable level and gradiant over low lying ground.
(p) viaduct:-
            It is a type of long bridge or series of bridge usually supported by a series of arches.The purpose of a viaduct is to carry a road or railway Wtaer, vally or another road 
6. Draw a typical cross-section of a permanent way:-

  (b) Various component of railway tracks:-
                   1. GAUGE:-
                                      It's the inner to inner distance between two rails.
Type of gauge:-  
                      i) Broad gauge(BG)--- 1.676m
                      ii)meter gauge(MG)---1m
                     iii)Narrow gauge--------0.762m
                     iv)Standard gauge-----1.435m .

             ballast forms the bed upon which railway sleepers or railroad ties are laid.It is packed between and around the sleepers.It is used to bear the load from the sleepers. It's typically made of crush stone.

          Consist of a certain number of rock stratar that have a comparable or similar properties. 

4. Sleepers:-  
        It is a rectangular support for the railway tracks. It is laid perpendicular  to the rails. sleepers transfer load to the track ballast and subgrade. Sleepers keep the rail spaced to the correct gauge.

                                                                 To be Continue.............


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